Thursday 5 February 2015

Category Of Anxiety

People have anxious behavior tend to resort to avoidance to get away from the causes of their anxiety.  Among the most common causes of anxious behavior that people avoid are confined spaces, public speaking, snakes, parties, crowds, heights, or paying bills.  While it would help to stay away from situations that trigger your anxious feelings, it does not really give a permanent solution to your problem.  In some cases, simply the thought of these situations could actually trigger anxiety and depression.

To help you finally get rid of your anxious reactions and feelings, it is best to understand the kind of condition you have.  It is often necessary to have a professional diagnose your anxiety disorder.  To give you an idea, here are the seven major categories of anxiety:
  1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): This involves a long-lasting and constant state of worry and tension. However, this does not mean that you have GAD if you have realistic worries. For instance, if you worry about money because you lost your job, that is a real-life situation. But if you worry everyday about where to get money and your name is Warren Buffet or Bill Gates, then there is a chance that you have a GAD.
  2. Social Phobia: People with social phobia fear exposure to the scrutiny of the public. It is a dreadful scenario to them whenever they need to attend a party, speak in public, write a check in the presence of other people, eat in public places, or meet new people.
  3. Panic Disorder: Any person would say that he or she panics from time to time about an upcoming deadline, planning for an event, or a critical job presentation. However, people who suffer from a panic disorder have periods of intense worries and fear. An anxiety attack usually lasts for about 10 minutes and most people think that these are the last minutes of their lives.
  4. Agoraphobia: This usually goes with panic disorder. This is a strange disorder that commonly begins during adulthood.  People suffering from agoraphobia live with the fear of getting trapped. 
  5. Specific Phobias: There are fears that are embedded in a person’s brain. It could be from poisonous snakes, falling from heights, or the sight of bleeding wounds. 
  6. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):  This is developed by someone who has had a traumatic experience. Often, memories of his experience trigger his anxious feelings. Any thoughts or indications that the same event might happen again could also trigger anxious reactions.  Some patients overcome this disorder through therapy or support group sessions, but there are also those who live with the disorder for the rest of their lives.
  7. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD):  Obsessions are disturbing, repetitive and unwelcome thoughts, impulses and images that enter your mind. On the other hand, compulsions are repetitive mental strategies or actions carried to reduce temporary distress.  This can drastically affect relationships and interactions with other peoples.

Equip yourself with the right information about anxiety and depression. Look for credible sources and seek help from the experts to help you know th best way to deal with your condition.

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